13 November 2008

Visions Of Sugarplums

(Or, The Mother Of All Christmas Craft Lists)

I am not, in general, a list-making person. First, I am nowhere near that organized in my approach to things. Second, I hide the first by teasing that making a list takes as much time as actually completing the items on said list.

It is rather a flimsy argument. But I cling to it with gusto.

Bucking this trend, I present a to you list. But before you send your congratulatory, welcome-to-the-world-of-people-who-get-things-done emails, I interject a cautionary disclaimer: this list was Rick's idea. This morning, as he patiently clicked links in what must be the twelfth or so 'great ideas for Christmas' email I've sent him, he paused and sweetly suggested I compile all these flashes of brilliance in one place.

I think what he was (very gently) trying to get at is that I have rounded up an awful lot of these crafty suggestions. Maybe if I saw them all in list form, I might feel appropriately daunted and suddenly emerge from this experience with revised, more-realistic expectations.

Were that to happen, I would think myself very clever. But I have a sneaking suspicion that reason will not win out in the end. At least not here, not now. And that I will recklessly regard what follows as a strict to-do list. Because crafters have very big hopes.

That, I'm afraid, is just how it is.

But I will try to be sensible...

Holiday To-Dream List
(see, that's better; right?)
Too much?

Um, yeah. Okay. I concede.

Which doesn't mean that I won't try to cross as many off my list as I can. I will just try not to panic about all those I won't have time to get to.

Because I'm like that. With the panic, I mean. Or: making frenzy -- whatever you want to call it.

ETA: Can you think of more? Let me know.


Anonymous said...

oh boy, and I thought I was a high and mighty list maker. you win! but just imagine if you DID do all of this... :)

Erin said...

if only i could survive on two hours of sleep...

(and, of course, had somewhere to store all this stuff through the rest of the year)