30 April 2009

I wish I could write (good) poetry. Today would be the day for it.

29 April 2009

[paint fumes + (little sleep + approaching deadline)] x excitement = giddy
And oh, we are. We are.

24 April 2009

I will miss the two neat rows of rosebushes underneath my kitchen window. I will miss yellow, pink, orange, white, red.

Thank you I love you bye-bye

23 April 2009


22 April 2009

We are in the thick of moving. And right at that tipping point when an apartment becomes a home, and a home returns to an apartment. It's a little bit sad. And a little bit thrilling.

15 April 2009

More of the sky. (It seems to be all I photograph anymore.)

13 April 2009

Last week's happy discovery: I am in love with ranunculus.

09 April 2009

then she appeared
Tuesday was all euphemistically titled budget meetings, drafts, revisions, paperwork, spreadsheets, blah, blah, blah.
But then, there were rainbows.

07 April 2009

The ripple throw is only halfway complete, but already hard at work.

03 April 2009

this might make you think I live in the midwest
One year and one week ago.

I love the parts of California that look like the midwest.

02 April 2009

How eight-year-old boys kill time at the Apple Store.
(Or maybe: what strikes a 31-year-old girl as amusing on any given day)

01 April 2009

half and half
I never thought I had much of a stash to speak of. But I was mistaken.
(I seem to find more and more -- hidden away in drawers, shelves, and corners -- every day.)